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Tuition: Investing in a YHT Education

"וְאֵין מְבַטְּלִין הַתִּינוֹקוֹת וַאֲפִלּוּ לְבִנְיַן בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ"

Mishneh Torah, Torah Study 2:2


"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."

Benjamin Franklin
Yeshiva Har Torah makes every effort to maintain our tuition fees at the lowest possible level while maintaining our commitment to educational excellence for our children. Note that several of our fees are structured such that you are able to meet your obligations with no direct cost to you (e.g., the journal obligation can be met by securing journal ads).
As always, we stand ready, to the very best of our ability, to assist families who require financial assistance.  Applications for tuition assistance may be requested from the Business Office or downloaded below. Please inquire with the Business Office for deadline information. In fairness to all, and so that we can be prepared to appropriately meet each parent's needs, late applications will only be considered if there are funds remaining. Tuition is our primary source of revenue for educating children. As a result, tuition assistance offered by YHT carries a moral obligation by the recipient to support YHT to the best of a recipient's ability in the future. If a scholarship recipient's future financial circumstances allow, they will be expected to "pay it forward" by repaying the amount of any scholarship received in order to support educating future students.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Jonathan Weitzman, Director of Finance, at extension 1630 or at [email protected] or Mr. Ephi Strazynski, Executive Director, at extension 1602 or at [email protected].
Mr. Ephi Strazynski, Executive DirectorMr. Jonathan Weitzman, Director of Finance
Mr. Ephi Strazynski, Executive Director                                     Mr. Jonathan Weitzman, Director of Finance