Yeshiva Har Torah

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Yeshiva Har Torah uses a differentiated approach in all classes. However, students who have a unique aptitude and need to be challenged in a different way than is available, even in a differentiated classroom, participate in various forms of enrichment. Enrichment options include:
Literacy Enrichment
Kindergarten students who have a unique aptitude in literacy participate in enrichment with a learning specialist.
Math Enrichment
Math enrichment is a project-based program incorporating grade level standards across Grades 2-6. Students are given real word situations and need to use problem solving skills to solve them. Some projects have included designing a daycare, mapping the plan for flooring tiles and creating a polygon city. Students are part of teams that are given "budget cuts" midway through a project or experience changes in their groupings, just like real world job settings. Math enrichment teachers integrate technology into the program and students can be found, throughout the building, taking measurements or interviewing people who can help them with their current project. The instructional approach for math enrichment is exploratory, encouraging students to use critical thinking and trial-and-error.
Math Accelerated Track
In addition to formal enrichment, an accelerated math track is offered in Junior High School, ultimately allowing 8th graders to take the 9th grade New York Regents High School Examination.
Ivrit Accelerated Track
An accelerated Ivrit track is offered to students in Grades 5-8.
Jewish Studies Accelerated Track
Students in Grades 7-8 have several accelerated track options in Jewish Studies. Girls have four options: Chumash skills, Chumash enrichment, iyun tefilla, and Gemara. Boys take Gemara, with an accelerated Gemara track option.